Saturday 25th January 2020

[COMPLETED] Planned Network Maintenance

Dear PeoplesHost Customer,

Beginning: 10:00 PM EST on Saturday, January 26th, 2020 Ending: 2:00 AM EST on Sunday, January 27th, 2020 Expected Outage/Downtime: Up to two (2) 15-minute outages.

In an effort to improve our network capacity, redundancy, performance, and security, we are going to be performing scheduled maintenance on our network infrastructure between 10 PM EST and 2 AM EST starting on Saturday, January 25th, 2020. During this time we will be upgrading our core network to a 40Gb backbone, and as well as significantly increasing our capacity with each of our providers. During this work, there will be two 15 minute outages while new equipment is brought into service. While this is happening you may have limited access to your services at PeoplesHost. We will be monitoring your service closely to ensure that this planned maintenance causes minimal interruptions to your operations. This includes access to websites, email, and any data you may be hosting on your account at PeoplesHost.

NOTE: No emails or other data will be lost. We are simply upgrading network equipment which will not affect the servers themselves.

We are excited for what the year 2020 will bring, and have our customers to thank for our success. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our services. If you have any questions/comments please simply reply to this email and our support team will be happy to assist.

Best Regards, PeoplesHost Management